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International Journal of Applied Linguistics 是一本SSCI及A&HCI双检索国际期刊,本刊发表的文章侧重于语言专业知识与语言体验之间的中介作用。旨在提高人们对语言工作方式的认识,了解语言如何影响人们的生活,以及在语言使用和学习的不同领域采取哪些干预措施是可取和可行的。在应用语言学所有可能的领域中,InJAL 主要关注那些与社会中语言使用和学习最密切相关的领域:语言政策,作为政策制定与实践的相互作用;职业语言,作为成人社会化的主要领域;公共话语和媒体中的语言,作为日益全球化和专业化世界中所有其他领域之间的联系;语言和语类之间的翻译,作为多语言和异语言工作社会中默认的交流模式。



Janina Brutt-Griffler

Janina Brutt-Griffler is Professor of Foreign and Second Language Education andDirector of Polish Studies in the Division of Transnational Studies at the State Universityof New York at Buffalo. She has also served in the graduate faculty of three otherresearch universities, most recently at the University of York, England. She is Editor-inChief of the International Journal of Applied Linguistics (Wiley-Blackwell Publishers). 


Dr. XUESONG (ANDY) GAO is a  Professor in the School of Education, the University of New South Wales. His current research interests are in the areas of learner autonomy, language learning narratives, language policy and language teacher education. He is the co-editor of International Journal of Applied Linguistics and serves on editorial boards of The Asia Pacific Education Researcher, Journal of Language, Identity and Education and Teacher Development.






应用语言学博士,复旦大学外文学院教授、博导、博士后合作导师,现任外文学院副院长。2021年国家级重大人才计划青年学者,入选复旦大学“卓学人才”(2019)、“卓识人才”(2023)资助计划,爱思唯尔中国高被引学者(外国语言文学学科),中美富布赖特高级研究学者,复旦大学外文学院多语研究创新团队带头人。中国英汉语比较研究会二语习得研究专业委员会常务理事、副秘书长;上海市外文学会常务理事;上海市教育技术协会外语专业委员会 副理事长。获得上海市第十四届哲学社会科学优秀成果学术学科类(论文类)一等奖。研究兴趣:第二语言习得、复杂动态系统理论、双语及多语发展。担任国际SSCI高水平期刊Language, Culture and Curriculum主编,SSCI高水平期刊System联合主编。主讲课程《论文写作》获评首批国家级线上线下混合式一流课程,课程教材《英语学术论文写作:初学者实践指南》2021年由复旦大学出版社出版。汉堡-复旦-麦考瑞三校联合的国际“新世代读写联盟”(New Generation Literacies Network)中方发起人。


Original Articles

Examining statistical literacy, attitudes toward statistics, and statistics self-efficacy among applied linguistics research students in China

Peixin Zhang, Chao Han

Pages: 433-449 First Published: 11 October 2023

“Behind the Screen, I Still Care about my Students!”: Exploring the emotional labour of English language teachers in online teaching during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Honggang Liu, Hanxi Li, Fan Fang

Pages: 450-465 First Published: 12 October 2023

Stance in article highlights: The promotion of Covid-19 research

Hang (Joanna) Zou, Ken Hyland

Pages: 466-483 First Published: 12 October 2023

The efficacy of written corrective feedback: Searching for the best predictors

Weiqing Wang

Pages: 484-500 First Published: 23 October 2023

If you look at the table…: Directives in conference presentations and university lectures

Francisco Javier Fernández Polo

Pages: 501-517 First Published: 24 October 2023

The effect of CLIL on productive thematic vocabulary

Dr Leah Geoghegan

Pages: 518-532 First Published: 26 October 2023

Representation of the “business-self”: Professionals’ construction of multifaceted identities in written business communication

William Wai Lam Lee

Pages: 533-549 First Published: 27 October 2023

Perceptual ratings of pronunciation for L2 learners of English as a function of task type, word position, and listener expertise

Shawn L. Nissen, Rachel Kemmey, K. James Hartshorn

Pages: 550-567 First Published: 29 October 2023

Interaction between levels of text representation and working memory during L2 reading comprehension: What about it?

Tatiana Molokopeeva, Daphnée Simard

Pages: 568-585 First Published: 31 October 2023

Self-concept and self-visions in CLIL and non-CLIL learners and their effect on motivation

Lyndsay R. Buckingham, Janina Iwaniec

Pages: 586-602 First Published: 03 November 2023

Interdisciplinary variations of metadiscursive verb patterns in English research articles

Songyun Chen, Jiajin Xu

Pages: 603-620 First Published: 06 November 2023

Verb frame distribution and text difficulty: A corpus-based analysis of verb frames in Chinese textbooks

Meichun Liu, Zhuo Zhang, John Sie Yuen Lee

Pages: 621-641 First Published: 13 November 2023

The impact of monolingual language policies on the multilingual language ecology of Sri Lanka

Agra Rajapakse

Pages: 642-655 First Published: 21 November 2023

Learner knowledge of English phrasal verbs: Awareness, confidence, and learning experiences

Sam Haugh, Osamu Takeuchi

Pages: 656-671 First Published: 23 November 2023

The multiword processing by low-proficiency Japanese English learners: Meaningfulness and constructions

Takumi Kosaka

Pages: 672-691 First Published: 28 November 2023

Effects of speaker types and L1 backgrounds on the linguistic complexity of learners’ writing

Hui Wang, Gui Wang, Nan Wang, Li Wang

Pages: 692-708 First Published: 29 November 2023

The link between learner engagement and self-regulation. A multiple case study

Anna Mystkowska-Wiertelak, Jakub Bielak

Pages: 709-727 First Published: 30 November 2023

Enhancing EMI pedagogical curricula to prepare pre-service English teachers for socioculturally diverse classrooms

Sumi Kim, Janina Brutt-Griffler, Myung-Kwan Park

Pages: 728-745 First Published: 04 December 2023

The role of reticence in the comprehension of metaphorical taboo expressions in the foreign language

Ferran Suñer, Barbara De Cock

Pages: 746-761 First Published: 07 December 2023

Linking motivation and willingness to communicate in online L3 learning context: The influence of emotions and perceived positive language interaction

Fei Lei, Xinjie Chen, Xitao Fan

Pages: 762-780 First Published: 07 December 2023

Emotional vulnerability and coping strategies among Turkish student teachers: A community of practice perspective

Erkan Yüce, Mostafa Nazari, Sedigheh Karimpour

Pages: 781-796 First Published: 10 December 2023

Conceptualising the role of practice level in language teacher identity construction: An identities-in-practice study

Ali Derakhshan, Farhang Moradi, Mostafa Nazari

Pages: 797-811 First Published: 25 January 2024

Book Reviews

Linguistic identities in the Arab Gulf states: Waves of changeBy Sarah Hopkyns, Wafa Zoghbor (Ed), Milton Park: Routledge. 2022.pp. 256. £34.99 (hbk), ISBN 9780367711719Saleh Mosleh AlharthiPages: 812-814 First Published: 20 February 2024Peer interaction in second language learningBy Jinfen Xu, Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press. 2020. pp. 263, 66.90 Chinese Yuan (Paperback). ISBN: 978-7-5213-2256-9Ruiying Niu, Liu LiuPages: 814-817 First Published: 23 February 2024


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如需投稿帮助,请联系 IJALedoffice@wiley.com.


本刊工作语言为英语。国际应用语言学杂志》(International Journal of Applied Linguistics)发表原创文章和对当前书籍(包括用英语以外的语言撰写的书籍)的征集评论,以及对最近发表的文章中出现的观点的注释和评论。

期刊动态|SSCI期刊TESOL Quarterly专题征稿通知
期刊动态| ESCI期刊《亚太二语及外语教育研究期刊》专题征稿
期刊动态| SSCI期刊《计算语言学与二语习得研究前沿》专题征稿
期刊动态| 国际期刊《应用语言学研究方法》专题征稿
期刊动态| SSCI期刊 Frontiers in Psychology专题征稿
期刊动态| SSCI期刊 Language and Education专题征稿
期刊动态| SSCI期刊 《专业翻译杂志》专题征稿
期刊动态|SSCI期刊Current Issues in Language Planning专题征稿通知
国际期刊LTRQ纪念Lantolf学术贡献专题征稿通知期刊动态| ESCI期刊The Language Learning Journal 专题征稿
期刊动态| SSCI期刊Frontiers in Psychology 专题征稿


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