
科研助力 | 多邻国博士论文基金开放申请

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The Duolingo Dissertation Grant

为了更好地服务于考生和高校,多邻国英语测试 (Duolingo English Test) 现推出两项研究基金,分别针对全球的科研人员和博士生,最高奖金为68万人民币。该研究基金将联合学术界的力量,进一步探讨多邻国英语测试作为行业变革者的创新性,并探索多邻国英语测试未来发展的更多可能性。博士论文基金主要面向正在攻读博士学位(或同等学历)的研究者,申请者的研究方向可以从计算机自适应测试、机器学习、写作和口语的自动评分、认知过程等与多邻国英语测试非直接相关的研究课题进行选择。博士论文基金将授予20个研究组,最高奖励金额达5,000美元(约合人民币3.4万元)。The Duolingo Dissertation Grant Program supports dissertation research by doctoral candidates specializing in second language learning. Applicants should be at the level of advanced candidacy and their dissertation proposals should have been approved by the relevant departmental authorities at their institutions on or before May 31st, 2024. Duolingo will award up to 5 dissertation grants in the amount of US$5,000 per grant. The grant program is open to domestic and international doctoral candidates for research into the learning of any language.For more information on this grant, please see the FAQs (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1CPMXI9SfI7CVA8aWwMteeOnQ-RD-lJVQ2eqN-cAgpJ0/edit)

How to Apply

Complete your application by filling out this form (https://duolingo.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_8lgRxK2APExBj9Q).TimelineApplications should be submitted by 11:59 p.m. (local time), May 31, 2024. Letters of support are due on June 7 11:59 p.m. local time. Notifications will be sent out by August 31st, 2024.Grant recipients are required to submit a one-page summary of their dissertation research within three months of filing their dissertation. The summary should be written for a general academic audience. They will also be invited to present their research at Duolingo (potentially in a virtual format).

Materials to Supply

A summary of the dissertation research focused on a topic in the field of language learning. The summary must include an introduction to the topic, a brief literature review, research questions, research methodology, and implications of the potential findings. The summary must be no more than three pages (12pt font, single-spaced), including references and appendices.The proposal should also include one page (12pt font, single-spaced) with a rough timeline and budget for the $5,000.Once the application has been submitted, we will contact the applicant's research supervisor for an official letter of support. This letter should confirm the approval of the research proposal by a faculty committee at their institution and the high likelihood of successful completion of the project. A detailed letter of recommendation is not required.

来源:Duolingo English Test



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