
Sci. China Chem. 2019年第10期目录

Science China Chemistry


[Cover Story] 

In vivo monitoring of ions in live brain is very essential to understand brain activity; however, the unintentional accumulation of an aqueous layer at the ion selective membrane/solid contact interface compromises the potential stability of ion-selective electrode (ISE), limiting its in vivo application. The authors find here that introduction of graphdiyne oxide into the solid contact layer largely improves the potential stability of ISE by impeding and stabilizing the formation of water layer on the electrode surface, paving an exciting opportunity for in vivo ion sensing in live brain (see the article by Lijun Zhao, Ying Jiang, Jie Hao, Huan Wei, Wei Zheng & Lanqun Mao on pages 1414‒1420).

Conversion of CO2 to ethanol by using a metal-organic framework catalyst
Jing-Lin Zuo
Sci. China Chem., 2019, 62(10): 1263–1264

MAF-41 with intermediate-sized molecular sieving effect for highly selective separation of styrene
Fei Wang & Jian Zhang
Sci. China Chem., 2019, 62(10): 1265–1266

Stable β-CsPbI3 inorganic perovskites deliver photovoltaic efficiency beyond 18%
Jingbi You
Sci. China Chem., 2019, 62(10): 1267–1268

A deep learning “ticket” for single-molecule analysis of protein stoichiometry
Wenwei Wu & Zeyu Xiao
Sci. China Chem., 2019, 62(10): 1269–1270


Conjugated polymer crystals via topochemical polymerization

Zichao Zhang, Qingqing Liu, Huanli Dong & Wenping Hu

Sci. China Chem., 2019, 62(10): 1271–1274



Recent advances in organic-dye-based photoacoustic probes for

biosensing and bioimaging

YongchaoLiu, Lili Teng, Hong-Wen Liu, Chengyan Xu, Haowei Guo,

Lin Yuan, Xiao-Bing Zhang & Weihong Tan

Sci. China Chem., 2019, 62(10): 1275–1285




Designing solid-state interfaces on lithium-metal anodes: a review

Chen-Zi Zhao, Hui Duan, Jia-Qi Huang, Juan Zhang, Qiang Zhang,

Yu-Guo Guo & Li-Jun Wan

Sci. China Chem., 2019, 62(10): 1286–1299


Salt-assisted chemical vapor deposition of two-dimensional materials

Wei Han, Kailang Liu, Sanjun Yang, Fakun Wang, Jianwei Su,

BaoJin, Huiqiao Li & Tianyou Zhai

Sci. China Chem., 2019, 62(10): 1300–1311




AIEgens in cell-based multiplex fluorescence imaging

Yabin Zhou, Jin Hua, Ben Zhong Tang & Youhong Tang

Sci. China Chem., 2019, 62(10): 1312–1332


Application of electrochemistry to single-molecule junctions:

from construction to modulation

Gan Wang, Biao-Feng Zeng, Shi-Qiang Zhao, Qiao-Zan Qian,

Wenjing Hong & Yang Yang

Sci. China Chem., 2019, 62(10): 1333–1345


Ion current rectification: from nanoscale to microscale

Tianyi Xiong, Kailin Zhang, Yanan Jiang, Ping Yu & Lanqun Mao

Sci. China Chem., 2019, 62(10): 1346–1359


Isothianaphthene diimide: an air-stable n-type semiconductor

Xiaolong Chen, Yaowu He, Muhammad Umair Ali, Yu He, Yanan Zhu,

Aiyuan Li, Changbin Zhao, Igor F. Perepichka & Hong Meng

Sci. China Chem., 2019, 62(10): 1360–1364


Single-crystalline layered double hydroxides with rich defects and hierarchical structure by mild reduction for enhancing the oxygen evolution reaction

Peng Zhou, Junying He, Yuqin Zou, Yanyong Wang, Chao Xie, Ru Chen, Shuangquan Zang & Shuangyin Wang

Sci. China Chem., 2019, 62(10): 1365–1370



Chimeric protein probes for C5a receptors through fusion of the anaphylatoxin C5a core region with a small-molecule antagonist

Chao Zuo, Wei-Wei Shi, Xiao-Xu Chen, Marie Glatz, Bernd Riedl, Ingo Flamme, Elisabeth Pook, Jiawei Wang, Ge-Min Fang, Donald Bierer & Lei Liu

Sci. China Chem., 2019, 62(10): 1371–1378


Engineering of a universal polymeric nanoparticle platform to optimize the PEG density for photodynamic therapy

Xixi Yang, Jie Li, Yue Yu, Junxia Wang, Dongdong Li, Ziyang Cao & Xianzhu Yang

Sci. China Chem., 2019, 62(10): 1379–1386


A new building block with intramolecular D-A character for conjugated polymers: ladder structure based on B←N unit

Xingxin Shao, Chuandong Dou, Jun Liu & Lixiang Wang

Sci. China Chem., 2019, 62(10): 1387–1392



Conformational sensitivity of tetraphenyl-1,3-butadiene derivatives

with aggregation-induced emission characteristics

Yahui Zhang, Huanyu Xu, Weiquan Xu, Chen Zhang, Jianbing Shi,

Bin Tong, Zhengxu Cai & Yuping Dong

Sci. China Chem., 2019, 62(10): 1393–1397



3D-printed optical-electronic integrated devices

YingyingLiu, Xianqing Lin, Cong Wei, Chuang Zhang,

Jiannian Yao & Yong Sheng Zhao

Sci. China Chem., 2019, 62(10): 1398–1404

【扩展阅读】赵永生研究员团队: 3D打印光电集成器件 

Size effect of lead-free halide double perovskite on luminescence property 

Peigeng Han, Xue Zhang, Xin Mao, Bin Yang, Songqiu Yang, Zhaochi Feng, Donghui Wei, Weiqiao Deng, Tõnu Pullerits & Keli Han

Sci. China Chem., 2019, 62(10): 1405–1413


Graphdiyne oxide enhances the stability of solid contact-based ion selective electrodes for excellent in vivo analysis

Lijun Zhao, Ying Jiang, Jie Hao, Huan Wei, Wei Zheng & Lanqun Mao

Sci. China Chem., 2019, 62(10): 1414–1420




Sci. China Chem. 2019年第9期目录

Sci. China Chem. 2019年第8期目录

Sci. China Chem. 2019年第7期目录

Sci. China Chem. 2019年第6期目录

Sci. China Chem. 2019年第5期目录 “庆祝南开大学成立100周年”专刊

Sci. China Chem. 2019年第4期目录

Sci. China Chem. 2019年第3期目录

Sci. China Chem. 2019年第2期目录

Sci. China Chem. 2019年第1期目录


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