

渡十娘出品 渡十娘 2023-07-25


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“A family guide:Explore daily life through the art and objects of Ancient Greece, Rome, and the Byzantine Empire.(家庭指南:通过古希腊、罗马和拜占庭帝国的艺术和物品探索日常生活)”

"Find the mirror with Aphrodite hiding Adonis in Gallery 207, Mirrors in ancient Italy were made from silver, tin or bronze. They were polished so well that they could reflect light, Aphrodite, the goddess of beauty, was said to have fallen in love with the very handsome Adonis. Why do you think this mirror as decorated with Aphrodite and Adonis? Imagine a woman in ancient Italy using this mirror to put on her makeup. Women used natural materials like burnt rose petals, beetle juice and ashes to create makeup. In what room in the house do you think this mirror was kept?"

“在 207 号画廊找到阿芙罗狄蒂隐藏阿多尼斯的镜子。古代意大利的镜子由银、锡或青铜制成。 它们被打磨得非常光滑,可以反射光线,据说美丽的女神阿芙罗狄蒂爱上了非常英俊的阿多尼斯。 为什么你会认为这面镜子里装饰着阿佛洛狄忒和阿多尼斯? 想象一下古代意大利的一位女士用这面镜子化妆。 女性使用烧焦的玫瑰花瓣、甲虫汁和灰烬等天然材料做化妆品。 你认为这面镜子放在家里的哪个房间?

如果你有一个手持镜子,你希望它的背面看起来像什么? 给这款手持镜子做个设计吧。

镜子:阿芙罗狄蒂隐藏阿多尼斯 公元前 400-350 年 青铜  ”

“In Gallery 207, find the Roman replica statue of Athena, a replica is a copy of something. Copies of famous statues were purchased by wealthy families to keep in their homes or gardens. This detailed stature of Athena was originally painted in bright colors. Picture yourself in a beautiful ancient Roman garden. It is a day, hot summer day, in the center of that garden is this statue of Athena. She is surrounded by cypress trees, fragrant rosemary plants, and bright pink roses. Breathe in the warm sweet air and gaze closely at the statue of Athena.”

“在画廊 207 中,找到罗马雅典娜复制品雕像。复制品是某物的复制品。著名雕像的复制品被富有的家庭购买并保存在他们的家中或花园中。这尊精致的雅典娜雕像最初是用鲜艳的颜色绘制的。想象自己置身于美丽的古罗马花园中。一天,炎热的夏日,在那个花园的中心是雅典娜的雕像。她周围环绕着柏树、芬芳的迷迭香和鲜艳的粉红色玫瑰。呼吸温暖甜美的空气,近距离凝视着雅典娜的雕像。”

"Find the two stone sculptures in Gallery 206. Side by side are the heads of young girl and a man these almond-eyed portraits look perhaps like a father and daughter or a grandfather and granddaughter, have you ever had a family photo taken of you and your loved ones?

The Romans believed in the strength of family and ancestors. Ancestors are those in our family who lived before us. Often stone portrait busts were created to remember family members, just like pictures today. Think of someone you love. It can be a family member or a friend."


罗马人相信家庭和祖先的力量。 祖先是我们家族中生活在我们之前的人。 通常会制作石制半身像肖像来纪念家庭成员,就像今天的照片一样。 想想你爱的人。 它可以是家庭成员或朋友。”

Imagine living in Egypt, hundreds of years ago. The sun is almost set. The deep blue sky is fading to black. You are walking through a dark hallway in your home. You reach for this lamp in the shape of a dove. You fill it with oil and light it. You take a big sigh, as your Oil lamps were used for light. The hole on the back of this small bird allows it to hang on a chain.

Draw light coming out of the oil lamp above. Pretend it is lighting up your dark bedroom on a cold winter evening.

Lamp in the form of a dove, 4th-6th centuries CE. Bronze. Otis Norcross Fund.”
“208号展厅 拜占庭帝国



鸽子形灯,公元 4 至 6 世纪。奥的斯诺克罗斯基金。”

“Have you ever had a sore throat and someone you love made you a warm cup of tea? This copper jug was used in the ancient Middle East as a kettle. Notice the rounded lid, which is fastened to the handled by a chain to keep it from getting lost. Do you have a warm beverage that you find soothing to drink at home? Salep enjoyed in ancient Turkey. Pretend you are holding your favorite warm drink. Slowly bring the cup up to your mouth and take a sip.

Copper Kettle, 6th-7th centuries CE. Bronze. Gift of Richard R.Wagner.”

“你有没有因为喉咙痛而你爱的人给你泡了一杯热茶? 这个铜壶在古代中东用作水壶。请注意圆形盖子,它通过链条固定在手柄上以防止丢失。 你有没有在家喝起来舒缓的热饮? 兰茎粉在古代土耳其享有盛誉。假装你拿着你最喜欢的热饮。慢慢地将杯子举到嘴边,啜一口。

铜壶 公元 6 至 7 世纪。 青铜。 理查德·瓦格纳 (Richard R.Wagner) 的礼物。”

“How is your family home like a home in antiquity? When you return to your own house, try to find objects that are like what you saw today in the Museum. Can you find a small mirror, a family photo, a lamp, or kettle? Think about how there objects look. How are they similar to the objects from antiquity? How do they look different?

Think about people a thousand years from now. What objects do we use today that there people would be interested in seeing? Make a sketch of one of these objects and write some notes about its use. Then put your paper in a time capsule for someone in the future to discover.”

“你的家与古代住宅有何相似之处? 当您回到自己的房子时,请尝试找到与您今天在博物馆中看到的相似的物品。你能找到一面小镜子、一张全家福、一盏灯或水壶吗? 想想那些物品的样子。它们与古代的物体有何相似之处? 它们看起来有何不同?

想想一千年后的人们。我们今天使用的哪些物体,人们会对它们感兴趣? 画出其中一个物体的草图,并写下有关其使用的一些笔记。 然后将您的论文放入时间胶囊中,以供将来的人发现。”


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